Filing a Hurricane Claim in Florida:

Florida’s beautiful coastline and tropical climate make it a paradise, but it is also prone to hurricanes. Preparing for and recovering from hurricane damage is essential for Florida residents. Filing a hurricane claim can be a complex process, but with FGC’s hurricane claims lawyers, you can navigate it successfully. This comprehensive guide outlines the insurance claim(s) process:

1. Understand your Insurance Policy:

Preparation is Key: Long before hurricane season arrives, thoroughly review your homeowner’s insurance policy. Ensure it includes windstorm coverage, as many standard policies do not.

Consider Flood Insurance: If you are in a flood-prone area, consider purchasing flood insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) or a private insurer. It is a separate policy from your standard Florida homeowner’s insurance.

2. Document your Property:

Create a Home Inventory: Before a hurricane becomes imminent, create a detailed inventory of your belongings and personal property. Use photographs, videos, and a written list. Store this documentation in a safe, easily accessible place or digitally, if possible.

Receipts and Valuables: Keep receipts for major purchases, and consider appraisals for valuable items like jewelry and art.

3. Evacuate Safely:

Follow Authorities: When local authorities issue evacuation orders, heed their advice promptly. Your safety and the safety of your family are vital.

Secure Your Property: Before leaving, take precautions like boarding up windows, securing doors, and turning off utilities if instructed.

4. Contact your Insurance Company:

Notify Your Insurer: As soon as it is safe to return, contact your insurance company, with FGC’s hurricane claims lawyers, to report the hurricane damage. You can usually find the insurance company’s contact information on your policy documents or their website.

Information to Provide: Be prepared to provide your policy number, the date and time of the damage, and a description of the damage.

5. Document the Damage:

Visual Evidence: Take extensive photos and videos of the damage—both inside and outside of your property. This visual evidence will be invaluable during the claims process and, if denied, the litigation process.

6. Await the Insurance Adjuster:

Insurance Adjuster: Your insurance company will assign an adjuster to assess the damage. They will contact you to schedule an inspection.

Cooperate Fully: Be ready to show the adjuster the damage and provide any documentation they request. It is highly encouraged that you do not speak to the insurance adjuster without first speaking to one of FGC’s insurance attorneys.

7. File a Formal Insurance Claim:

Follow Procedures: FGC’s insurance attorneys can report the insurance claim for you. This typically involves completing a claims form and submitting supporting documentation.

8. Keep Records:

Detailed Records: Maintain detailed records of all interactions with your insurance company. Note names, dates, and summaries of conversations.

Communication: Save all communication, including emails and letters.

9. Be Patient and Persistent:

Understand Delays: The claims process can take time, especially after a major hurricane. Be patient, but do not hesitate to follow up with one of FGC’s insurance attorneys to get an update on your claim.

Navigating a hurricane claim in Florida can be daunting, so remember to consult with one of FGC’s hurricane claims lawyers to ensure a smooth and successful claims process.

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